Additionally, different kinds of vacations lend themselves to being sober vacations like hiking or trekking trips, and meditation, wellness or yoga retreats....
Love addiction is not classified as a mental illness because it’s not yet recognized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th...
Too many pints — or that extra glass of wine — can be the trigger for waking up bathed in sweat with your pillow soaking wet. Alcohol will undoubtedly help...
If a reaction does occur, this review provides mechanisms and symptom complexes potentially allowing for a more efficient diagnosis. Many prescription bottles...
Moderate and severe withdrawal syndromes can include hallucinations, seizures, or delirium tremens; the latter two can be life-threatening. Many people with...
This article suggests mechanisms by which alcohol consumption may affect multiple neurotransmitter systems to influence behavior. The complex relationship...
Alcohol is a depressant, meaning it reduces (or depresses) activity in the central nervous system. Cannabis, on the other hand, can be classified as both a...
According to the report, more than 50% of people in the Americas, Europe, and the Western Pacific Region (Japan, Australia, Oceania) drank alcoholic beverages...
No other pain medications (e.g. opioids or other analgesics), or medications known to have addictive potential, were identified in the medical record. The...